Okay so in my last post I said that I was (maybe) going to the aquarium... well that didn't happen. :( Once B and I found out that we couldn't go to the aquarium we were changed our plans to a whale watch (Fun!) but it turns out that they end on labor day around here. *sigh* So then we had to choose what to do... it was down to the movies, swimming in a hotel, bowling, or going to a "family entertainment" place. We ended up going to the "family entertainment" a.k.a Chuckie Cheese. We didn't actually go to Chuckie Cheese though we went to a place like it, only because we don't have a legitimate Chuckie Cheese around here. For those of you who don't know what a "Chuckie Cheese" is: it is basically an arcade with and indoor playground and a built in restaurant, its for the whole family more thought than the place that we went to though. The place we went to is more of an arcade than anything else and there we a lot more teenagers than kids there. It was pretty fun. I ended up have enough tickets (you win tickets from the games and then you use them to get little things like candy or small toys) to buy some cute things.

This stuff is like a really airy light play dough. Its really soft and squishy :)
I made this awesome pig with the play dough stuff. ☺
These cards just have the coolest shape! I haven't seen any cards like these before. ♥
Epic smiley lanyard. It had my gym membership on it and a key, soon I will put my library card on it... when I find it ;)
Before I went to the Chuckie Cheese a like place B and I went to McDonalds (not-so-great food) and I got this batman toy. Yes, I am like three at heart. ☻
Overall it was pretty fun. Oh, and I saw these two people wearing banana costumes defiantly the two coolest people I have ever met!
1 lovely thoughts!:
Sounds like you had fun (:
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