Laughing So Hard My Sombrero Falls Off And I Drop My Taco

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

de ninguna manera! Eso es una locura!

Translation: No way! that's crazy!

Image found here.

Sorry I was just having a "I want some Mexican food" moment and then I was thinking wow I really want to learn some Spanish! My mother is fluent in Spanish but she is French Canadian so you wouldn't ever really think that! She is really good at speaking it too, it's not like she has a terrible American accent. She sounds authentic! :) I am Mexican but I can't speak Spanish for my life! :( I really want to learn and my mom keeps saying that she will teach me but so far... Nada. I took Spanish in 8th grade and so now I know a few key words, as in "Hola" and "Adios" lol. I really would love to be fluent though, I think that it would be such an amazing language to know. I of course only know one language, and of course that is English.

   I get stuck speaking English! Why couldn't I be like French or something slightly better... like English with a English accent, I have an American accent. I don't mind though. :) At least I know the so called "hardest" language to learn. Personally I think that Chinese look much more difficult, the letters and symbols are just to foreign so me. =) I think that Arabian looks difficult as well. My goal is by the time I am 60 is to learn at LEAST five different languages!!! One of them has to be a backwards language. :) (I read a study that said learning a backwards language may help decrease chances of Alzheimer's)
So what languages do you know and what languages do you wish you knew?

Also, I just have to say that I haven't gotten a chance to upload a picture of my Halloween costume but when I do I will put it up! :)

0 lovely thoughts!:

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