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Well as most of you know it is the Holiday season. Hanukka is currently being celebrated! So happy Hanukka to all of my Jewish readers! :)
I personally celebrate Christmas. When I was ten I wrote this little thing that I have decided to post here, enjoy! :)
Today is December first, Hanukka will begin at sundown. Even though I do not celebrate Hanukkka, as I am Christian, I still find it fascinating and wish all Jewish persons a happy Hanukka! I love the entire month of December because of the all over joy and cheer that goes along with it. I love that so many people get together to help others, that there is allover more kindness in the air. The way that the cold air nips the tip of your nose and causes your cheeks to turn a rosy red. The snow makes everything outside look beautiful, as if it is covered in a blanket of white snow. How when you are walking the snow crunches beneath you just as the leaves do in the fall. I love the the feeling of coming into your warm house from the chilly air outside and just curling up with a good book and a warm cup of hot chocolate. I also that Christmas is in December. I love the way that Christmas has the effect of bringing family and friends closer together. When I say that people get together to help each other I mean that there are so many organizations and people that work so hard to make sure that some children get to have something under the tree at Christmas. People take their time and money to help other people in need, I hope that I can be like that someday. The holidays make December great! I sometimes wish it was December all year long.
I remember it took me around two days to complete that. I worked so hard! The turnout wasn't all that great, but my mother liked it. :) I just found that paper as I was searching through my Christmas decorations. I totally forgot about that until today! :D I remember that I wanted to someday become a writer. I no longer want to do that, but it is cute and better than my blogging (that was just a paper for school though) now I would say. :) I also remember my teacher hanging that on the board I was excited about that. Well, I hope that all of you enjoyed that, and I do have to say that I still feel that exact way! Perhaps though I wouldn't mine not having December ALL year long though. =)
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