Laughing So Hard My Sombrero Falls Off And I Drop My Taco

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hola, Hello, مرحبا , Hallo, Ciao, Ahoj, Здравейте, 你好, Hei, Γεια σας, Halo,여보세요,Dia duit

Well if you couldn't tell that was hello in a few different languages! It was actually Spanish, English, Arabic, Dutch, Italian, Czech, Bulgarian, Chinese, Finnish, Greek, Indonesian, Korean, and Irish (In that order). I would have to say that the Finnish hello is my favorite. :) I don't speak any other languages besides English and a bit of Spanish (still learning), what languages do you all speak? Well for this first NEWish post (I have redone this blog, I deleted all the old post so this isn't exactly my "first" post... but for the new version it is! So welcome!) I was going to show you these awesome Halloween oreos, but my family kind of ate them all before I got to take a picture. So I guess that I will be talking about something random today.... Oh before I go off on that random thing I would like to thank all my followers for sticking with me when I am "refreshing" the blog! I appreciate it and you guys are so awesome!!! ♥

Now onto the legit purpose of this blog. Well, actually there kind of isn't a "legit" purpose of the blog so I guess I will just wing it.

I think that I may go to the aquarium today! Here is a few pictures from last time I went:

They are not very great pictures because I took them with my phone, but I think that this time I might be able to get some good shots.

This time I am going with my best friend... lets call her "B" that what her name starts with so I guess it would make sense. Last time I went with B and it was fun, we stayed there for a few hours. I guess I would say that my favorite part was standing amazingly close to the penguins. They are awesome. :) Well, I hope that you all have something fantastic happen to you today (Like find a penny on the ground... or win a million dollars). ☻♥

3 lovely thoughts!:

Lexi said...

Haha, awesome post :) cool pics!

she lives in a fairytale said...

I'm loving your autumn layout! (:

Ms.Imperfection ♥ said...

Thanks you two!

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